How do I start my final test once I’ve logged into the test session with ProctorU?

Please watch this video on how to access your digital final test: 

Written instructions: 

After being connected with your proctor and checking in for your test, you should be automatically redirected to Brightspace. If you aren’t logged into your TVO ILC account, log in and navigate to your final test. 

  1. Go to “Welcome to Your Final Test” folder  
  2. Go to the “Final Test” subfolder  
  3. Click on “Academic Integrity Acknowledgement” checklist  
  4. Click “Open Checklist” and confirm each item, then hit save 
  5. Go back to “Course Home” in the navigation  
  6. Go back to the Final Test” subfolder  
  7. Click on “Final Test”   
  8. Click “Go to Quiz”  

 When you are done reviewing the information displayed on the welcome page, let the proctor know so they can enter the password and start the final test for you.   

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